Please follow this step-by-step process when requesting to attend a conference or professional development seminar:

Step 1 Approval:

Contact your building principal regarding the opportunity. Here are things you will want to discuss:

  • Ensuring Approval from the Building Principal

  • Payment for Conference / PD Event, including the funding source (Purchase Order is preferred)

  • Meals (if provided by event or if reimbursement is needed)

  • Hotel Reservations (if applicable)

  • Transportation to Event (if applicable)

  • Substitute for your Class (if applicable)

Step 2 Registration:

Complete the online Attending Conference or Professional Development Form. This form will route to the required individuals for approval. Once submitted, you will received a copy of your response.

  • Once approved, work with your building secretary for a Purchase Order for your registration.

  • If your event requires a credit card payment, contact your building principal.

Step 3 Hotel (if applicable):

Please fill out the Hotel Request Form to request a room. If sharing a room, only ONE request form needs to be completed.

Hotel: Hotel reservations are based on double occupancy for attendees.  If two staff members of the same gender are going, then a room should be shared. Any deviation from this requires the prior approval of the Superintendent and the CFO if more than one person is attending.

Step 4 Expenses:

  • Read through the Travel Expense Reimbursement Guidelines. This guideline include information on hotels, parking, mileage, and meals.

  • Complete an Expense Report and attach all itemized receipts. Have your building principal sign your expense report and send it to Amy Hosbein at Central Office.

    • TIP: When printing the Expense Report, print in Portrait, and scale to Fit To Page