Please follow this step-by-step process when requesting to attend a conference or professional development seminar:
Step 1 Approval:
Contact your building principal regarding the opportunity. Here are things you will want to discuss:
Ensuring Approval from the Building Principal
Payment for Conference / PD Event, including the funding source (Purchase Order is preferred)
Meals (if provided by event or if reimbursement is needed)
Hotel Reservations (if applicable)
Transportation to Event (if applicable)
Substitute for your Class (if applicable)
Step 2 Registration:
Complete the online Attending Conference or Professional Development Form. This form will route to the required individuals for approval. Once submitted, you will received a copy of your response.
Once approved, work with your building secretary for a Purchase Order for your registration.
If your event requires a credit card payment, contact your building principal.
Step 3 Hotel (if applicable):
Please fill out the Hotel Request Form to request a room. If sharing a room, only ONE request form needs to be completed.
Hotel: Hotel reservations are based on double occupancy for attendees. If two staff members of the same gender are going, then a room should be shared. Any deviation from this requires the prior approval of the Superintendent and the CFO if more than one person is attending.
Step 4 Expenses:
Read through the Travel Expense Reimbursement Guidelines. This guideline include information on hotels, parking, mileage, and meals.
Complete an Expense Report and attach all itemized receipts. Have your building principal sign your expense report and send it to Amy Hosbein at Central Office.
TIP: When printing the Expense Report, print in Portrait, and scale to Fit To Page