President (2030)
Board of Education
Board Members

Rachel Wade

Dr. Jason Beckrow
Vice President (2026)

Lori VonKoenig
Secretary (2028)

Griffin Ott
Treasurer (2026)

Scott Allan
Trustee (2028)

Bill Scaletta
Trustee (2026)

Jessica Bigley
Trustee (2030)

Lakeshore Board of Education Regular Meetings
The regular Board meetings are normally held on the second Monday of the month at 5:30 P.M. in the Lakeshore High School LEF Learning Center (near the auditorium) (unless conflicting with summer or holiday schedules - see below).
2025 Regular Meeting Dates
January 13 (Organizational Mtg.)
February 10 (Moved to HS Media Ctr. No Live stream)
March 10
April 14
May 12 - 5:00 PM (Live stream not available)
June 9
^July 14 (Live stream not available)
^August 11 (Live stream not available)
September 8
October 13
November 10
December 8
January 12, 2026 (Organizational Mtg.)
^The July and August Board meetings will be held at 7:30 AM at the Central Office.
Special Meeting Dates (2024-2025)
December 2, 5:30 PM, LEF Learning Center
Public Participation at Board Meetings
Persons wishing to address the Board during the designated participation portion of the Board meeting must register before the official start of the meeting. Options for registration are as follows:
Print and Turn-In Registration (need to be received at the LPS Central Office by noon on the date of the meeting)
Forms are also available at the meeting (need to be turned in before the official start of the meeting)
2025 Committee Meetings
Suggested tentative dates are listed below unless conflicting with a school holiday.
Facilities & Finance Committee: 1st Tuesday of Month @ 7:15am (April & January 2026 are the 2nd Thursday)
Policy Committee: ad hoc - 2-4 times per year
Student Success Committee: Last Tuesday of the Month @ 7:30am (December is the 3rd Tuesday)
Culture & Leadership Committee: 1st Friday of the Month @ 7:15am (January and April are the 2nd Friday)
Community Connections Committee: 2nd Tuesday of the Month @ 4:15 pm
Committee Meetings are held in the Central Office Conference Room and there are no meetings in July. All committees have three or fewer Board members and are not empowered to make any decisions. Committees only provide a recommendation for consideration or advisement to the administration.